In 2002/2003, Fred, Jeanne and Chris (assisted by Philipa) wrote The Complexity of Community and Family Influences on Children's Achievement in New Zealand: Best Evidence Synthesis, commissioned and published by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. Learn More
In 2004, on behalf of the Children's Issues Centre, University of Otago, Philipa wrote the Children's Rights Stocktake Report to help inform the children's rights aspects of the New Zealand Action Plan for Human Rights. This project was commissioned jointly by the Human Rights Commission and the Commissioner for Children. The Report includes a synthesis of existing research on children's rights in New Zealand, and analysis of research conducted specifically for the project, that is, focus groups held with young people and an online survey about children's rights. Chris developed the website for the online survey and completed the quantitative analysis of the project survey data. SOURCE: A PDF of this Report is available here.
Fred was the science education consultant for the development of Sunshine Science: Investigating Our World, a junior school science programme published by Wendy Pye Ltd. Fred and Jeanne made a major contribution to the teachers' resources for the programme, and wrote 36 science books for primary school children. The books have been distributed internationally and published in a number of languages e.g. a World Bank funded project involved 59000 copies of a science book being distributed in the Portuguese language to children in a very poor region of Northern Brazil. Learn More