The following comments are from a 1 March 2023 Busy Bees Apollo Facebook post (with photos available):
Early Reading Together® WorkshopWhat a fantastic workshop evening we had! We are feeling very proud to be able to help support our families and whānau for our tamariki’s language and literacy development. It was great to have parents gathering together, sharing ideas and hearing feedback from each other.
The following comments (with photos available) are from a 15 March 2023 Busy Bees Apollo Facebook post:
Early Reading Together® WorkshopA big congratulations to all the parents who came and completed the Early Reading Together® programme! We have had so much fun and joy to share strategies and ideas of how we can support our tamariki to enjoy reading at home.
It has been so lovely to have parents evening like this to gather our families/whānau together.
Aroha to you all 💕
Posted: Friday 17 March 2023