Reading Together® at Maungatapu Primary School

The following information about the Reading Together® programme at Maungatapu Primary School is sourced from this 26 May 2024 Facebook post (with photos available):

Reading Together®

A huge thanks to the wonderful group of Y3/4 parents, who are taking part in the Reading Together® programme. This is a series of workshops, run in the school library, which aim to build parent confidence and understanding around how best to support their child/children with reading at home.

I have been blown away by the great response and positive feedback so far and am looking forward to the last few sessions and graduation day!!

Donelle O'Neill
Reading Together® Workshop Leader

The following update about the Reading Together® programme is sourced from this 23 June 2024 Maungatapu Primary School Facebook post (with photo available):

Congratulations to this wonderful group of parents who 'graduated' from the Reading Together® programme this morning. These parents, plus 3 more who couldn't make it today, have made time over the past 6 weeks to attend 4 workshops with Whaea Donelle. These workshops have been all about supporting them to support their child/children, with reading at home. A huge thanks to them for making this commitment and so pleasing to hear success stories already!

Ari Jess Nuttall: Congratulations Casey and congratulations to all the other parents too :-)
Katie Downes: Awesome initiative!
Michelle Hamm: Thank you for the support and investing so much in our kids.

Tags: Bay of Plenty  

Posted: Tuesday 25 June 2024